Webinar – Building Liability Orders: whose fault is it anyway?

27 January 2025By Joanna Grant


Following the first Building Liability Order made under the Building Safety Act 2022, we have asked Michael Levenstein of Gatehouse Chambers, who was instructed by the successful applicant, to join us for a discussion about how the courts are interpreting the legislation.

In the session we cover the key aspects of the ex tempore judgment handed down at a consequential hearing in 381 Southwark Park Road Rtm Company Ltd & Ord v Click St Andrews Ltd (in liquidation) & Anor [2024] EWHC 3179 (TCC) including:

  • The requirements of the Building Safety Act 2022 in respect of applications for Building Liability Orders:
  • What is a Relevant Liability?
  • When is a body corporate “associated” for the purposes of a BLO?
  • When will it be “just & equitable” for a BLO to be granted?
  • The procedural process for making an application for a BLO
  • Applying for Information Orders under s.132 of the BSA


Michael Levenstein, Gatehouse Chambers

Joanna Grant, Manging Partner, Fenchurch Law

Alex Rosenfield, Partner, Fenchurch Law


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