Alex Rosenfield
“Aside from the quality of the work and its lawyers, Fenchurch Law has an incomparably modern approach. We play an invaluable role in the London insurance market and truly deliver on our mission statement of “levelling the field for policyholders”.
Alex Rosenfield is a Partner specialising in insurance disputes for policyholders. Alex is part of the Fenchurch Law’s Construction and Property Risks team, and has a particular focus on high-value, complex property damage claims and claims under building defect policies.
A significant amount of Alex’s caseload involves disputes under the Insurance Act 2015 – often in relation to breaches of the Duty of Fair Presentation – and Alex is regularly invited to deliver public seminars on Insurance Act 2015 principles.
Alex has also developed a niche in claims involving alleged breaches of hot works conditions, and has recently written an article on the subject, click here to view.
Prior to joining Fenchurch Law, Alex trained at a Manchester firm which specialised in insurance coverage disputes (again, acting exclusively for policyholders), and gained insurance coverage exposure on a mix of fire, flood, and theft claims. He then joined Elborne Mitchell, a specialist insurance practice in the heart of the London insurance market.
His recent cases include:
- Representing the freeholder and leaseholders of an apartment block in connection with claims against building defect insurers. Those include claims for combustible cladding, other fire safety defects, and structural defects.
- Acting for an industry leader in the provision of surface treatment in connection with a substantial claim against its Public Liability insurers.
- Acting for a construction company in connection with a claim against its Public Liability insurers following a significant fire at its customer’s premises.
- Acting for the owners of a Ukrainian wind farm which was seized by Russian forces in 2022.
- Acting for a main contractor seeking a recovery from its insolvent cladding sub-contractor’s professional indemnity insurers, following the discovery of significant water ingress and fire safety defects at a development.
Away from his practice, Alex is a member of the Society of Construction Law, the British Insurance Law Association and the London Business Interruption Association.