Policy wording advice

When insurance claims are made, the wording of the insurance policy can come under the most intense scrutiny. Preparing for the future and for unexpected events is essential – policyholders and their insurance brokers need to be completely confident that their policies fully protect their businesses and assets without ambiguity. It is crucial that they have access to an expert eye and an in-depth understanding of risk mitigation and policy coverage, with the ability to review policies from every angle.

At Fenchurch Law, our experience in and understanding of the insurance market is unrivalled. Our expert team of specialist insurance solicitors is available to review, comment on and critique policy wordings and extensions for policyholders and their brokers. We understand the importance of the service we provide in this area and every member of our team is committed to ensuring that policyholders and their brokers understand the very precise and specific meaning and implication of every clause and detail of their policies in order to avoid future misunderstandings and insurance coverage disputes.

This in many ways a ‘preventative’ service. A highly expert, detailed review of an insurance policy at the outset to identify any potential issues and areas of concern can have a significant impact in mitigating potential difficulties that could occur in the event that a claim is made under the policy.

The breadth of expertise and knowledge within our team means we are uniquely placed to review insurance policy wordings and ensure insurance contracts are clear, fair and well-understood, with our extensive experience acting for policyholders complemented by valuable insight gained by many of our solicitors in prior insurer-side roles.

Call us on +44 (0)20 3058 3070

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    Date: 6th June 2024

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