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Guilty as charged? Berkshire Assets (West London) Ltd v AXA Insurance UK PLC
3 December 2021
In one of the first cases to be decided under the Insurance Act 2015 (“the Act”), the High Court was asked to consider…
Stonegate v MS Amlin & Ors
25 October 2021
Commercial Court Claim no. CL-2021-000161 Background Fenchurch Law is representing Stonegate Pub Company Limited in its…
Ristorante Limited t/a Bar Massimo v Zurich¬ [2021]: – Food for thought about the questions in insurance applications
18 October 2021
This recent High Court decision considers the proper construction of questions put to an insured in insurance…
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly: #15 (The Good & Bad). West Wake Price & Co v Ching
20 September 2021
by Jonathan Corman & Toby Nabarro
Welcome to the latest in the series of blogs from Fenchurch Law: 100 cases every policyholder needs to know. An…
(De)sign of the Times: Blurred Lines on Build Performance Liabilities
13 September 2021
Design requirements are at the heart of any construction contract, and the precise formulation of applicable standards…
Covid-19 BI Update: Denial of Access – Access Granted?
13 September 2021
“I doubt whether the Divisional Court could or would have taken the approach it did, had it had the benefit of the…
Latest aggregation decision
9 August 2021
In what will be a relief both to the victims of dishonest solicitor Linda Box (pictured, and christened by the press…
Webinar – Covid-19 BI Litigation: the Second Wave
22 July 2021
Agenda It is now over five months since the Supreme Court handed down its largely policyholder-friendly…
If your name’s not down…: no policy cover where developer incorrectly named
21 July 2021
Sehayek and another v Amtrust Europe Ltd [2021] EWHC 495 (TCC) (5 March 2021) A failure to correctly name the developer…