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This is the place to find out what we’re thinking as we think it. It’s an eclectic and often opinionated mix of content, including news, articles on case law and recent legislation, and webinars. We’re keen to ensure our content is of interest and value to our existing and prospective clients, so please do get in touch and let us know what you think of individual pieces, or our communication programme more generally.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly: 100 cases every policyholder needs to know. #1 (The Bad). Why Wayne Tank is wrongly decided.
10 April 2017
Welcome to a new series of blogs from Fenchurch Law: 100 cases every policyholder needs to know. An opinionated and…
Fenchurch Law receives third consecutive nomination for insurance law firm of the year
9 April 2017
Following our success at last year’s Post Magazine Claims Awards, we are proud to have been nominated again in 2017 for…
Insurance Act 2015: Some Insurers Crying Foul
9 February 2017
When the Insurance Act 2015 came into force in August 2016, it was hailed as the biggest reform of this area of law in…
Fenchurch Law appoints Morris to strengthen financial lines insurance disputes team
3 February 2017
Fenchurch Law, the UK’s leading firm working exclusively for policyholders and brokers on complex insurance disputes,…
No on-going obligation to assess if a claim is likely: Zurich -v- Maccaferri
16 January 2017
In a (predictably?) pro-policyholder decision, the Court of Appeal (Black and Christopher Clark LJJ) yesterday…
“The Worst of Both Worlds”: Spire Healthcare Ltd v RSA
5 January 2017
2016 was a bumper year for aficionados of aggregation cases. (One might say that it saw a series of related cases…) In…
Exclusion clauses clarified
1 November 2016
In the recent decision of Impact Funding v. AIG the Supreme Court gave important guidance on the construction of…
“One event or two?” What is the proper construction of the phrase “arising from one event” within the aggregation clause in a reinsurance contract?
1 November 2016
Re MIC Simmonds v. AJ Gammell The commercial court upheld an arbitration award and concluded that the arbitrators had…
The ordinary measure of indemnity: Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) SE v Western Trading Limited
12 October 2016
In the latest in a series of pro-policyholder decisions by the courts, the Court of Appeal yesterday handed down a…