Here you can find copies of all our past webinars. Bookmark this page and check regularly for updates.
Why Fenchurch Law?
Based in the heart of the world-leading London insurance market, Fenchurch Law is an award winning boutique law firm dedicated exclusively to protecting the interests of policyholders. Our lawyers provide the highest quality insurance advice and represent policyholders with complex and high value coverage disputes with their insurers.
Webinar - Too Hot to Handle - a cautionary tale about Hot Works Conditions
Differing Approaches to COVID Cases Around The World
Presented by Daniel Robin and Anthony McGeoughDaniel Robin, head of Fenchurch Law's Reinsurance & International Risks Practice Group and Senior Associate, Anthony McGeough take you on an around-the-world tour of Covid Business Interruption Decisions.
Virtual Coverage Symposium
A series of short topical sessions on a variety of insurance coverage issues. This virtual event is aimed at providing brokers with information on common coverage issues and tips on how to avoid them arising.
Webinar - The Insurance Act: Recent Developments
Associate Partner, Alex Rosenfield will provide a refresher of the key principles under the Insurance Act 2015 (“the Act”), which include the scope of an Insured’s Duty of Fair Presentation, the remedies available to an Insurer where that duty is breached, and the changes to warranties and other conditions.
Sky Central Case Update
The High Court has handed down the hotly anticipated judgment in Sky & Mace v Riverstone, which concerned a claim by Sky and Mace for the cost of remedial works to the roof at Sky Central. We will be covering the key issues in dispute and the Court’s findings, which are likely to be of general interest to contractors and CAR practitioners (and enthusiasts!).
Tackling Co-Insurance: Court of Appeal hands down judgment in Rugby Football Union
Associate Partner, Rob Goodship will be delving into the tricky issues of co-insurance for contractors, including an analysis of the recent decision of the Court of Appeal and some tips for avoiding disputes.
Webinar - Golden Opportunities or Uninsured Liabilities? Differing Perspectives on the Building Safety Act 2022
This webinar by Fenchurch Law’s Construction and Property Risks Group will be introduced by Joanna Grant, who leads the group and will feature sessions from Alex Rosenfield, Amy Lacey and Rob Goodship.
Webinar - Loss of rent
Fenchurch Law and Brecher hosted a webinar to address one of the primary unresolved issues in relation to cover for COVID related losses – Claims by commercial landlords for Loss of Rent.
Webinar - Fraud & dishonesty in the context of PI Policies
The webinar covers: The current test for dishonesty Corporate insureds – the attribution of knowledge Dishonesty at the placing stage: Legal consequences Innocent Non-Disclosure clauses Claims involving dishonesty: Exclusions for committing/condoning dishonesty Exclusions once reasonable grounds for suspicion have arisen
Webinar - Insurance for Design Mistakes: a PI CAR Case Study
Presented by David Pryce
This session focuses on the interplay/overlaps between CAR and PI policies in the context of a case study concerning a defectively designed roof which is damaged leading to various losses and claims against the policyholder.
Defects Exclusions under CAR policies
Defects Exclusions give rise to a variety of difficult issues. This webinar will address some of those, including the overlapping concepts of inherent vice, defective condition, damage, and physical damage, as well as considering how to determine the value of what is excluded by the most commonly used clauses.
Euro Pools v RSA – diving into notification issues
Presented by Alex Rosenfield
This webinar looks at the seminal Court of Appeal decision in Euro Pools v RSA, and will provide an overview of the core legal principles surrounding notifying circumstances under professional indemnity insurance policies. The session also addresses the vexed issue of “hornet’s nest” or “can of worms” notifications, and the practical considerations involved.
Waiver, RORs, and “Prudent Uninsureds”: what do they mean?
Presented by Jonathan Corman
Jonathan Corman, a partner at Fenchurch Law, presented a webinar on 25 February on the above topic. By reference to an actual case study, the webinar covered: • when and why insurers reserve their rights; • the difference between “waiver” and “estoppel”, and why it matters; • what the policyholder and broker can do when faced with an ROR; • the effect of an ROR on claim conditions; and • the implications of a policyholder being told to act as a “prudent uninsured”.
Traps for Contractors and their Brokers
Presented by Rob Goodship
Practical issues to be aware of for those dealing with CAR and Contract Works policies, including the correct trigger for damage, when a defect may constitute damage and an overview of the two leading suites of defect exclusion clauses. Rob Goodship is a Senior Associate at Fenchurch Law

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Understand how our solicitors support honest policyholders with genuine claims to ensure their claims are paid promptly and in full
We work shoulder to shoulder with insurance brokers to combine legal and commercial pressure on behalf of policyholders

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The F1: A closer look at the Bacardi principle and section 11 of the Insurance Act
16 December 2024
The Facts MOK Petro Energy FZC v Argo (No. 604) Limited, The F1 [2024] EWHC 1935 (Comm) concerned a cargo of 11,800 MT of 92 RON unleaded gasoline (“the Cargo”) that had been loaded onto the tanker…
Climate Risks Series, Part 3: Aloha v AIG – Liability Cover for Reckless Environmental Harm
3 December 2024
Aloha v AIG - Liability Cover for Reckless Environmental Harm Increasing numbers of claims are proceeding around the world alleging that the public were misled about the risks associated with climate…
Climate Risks Series, Part 2: Flood and Storm Risk: Keeping Policyholders Afloat
3 December 2024
Introduction Extreme rainfall and storms have become increasingly prevalent in the UK. Figures from the Association of British Insurers (“ABI”) show that storms and heavy rain have contributed to…