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This is the place to find out what we’re thinking as we think it. It’s an eclectic and often opinionated mix of content, including news, articles on case law and recent legislation, and webinars. We’re keen to ensure our content is of interest and value to our existing and prospective clients, so please do get in touch and let us know what you think of individual pieces, or our communication programme more generally.
If your name’s not down…: no policy cover where developer incorrectly named
21 July 2021
Sehayek and another v Amtrust Europe Ltd [2021] EWHC 495 (TCC) (5 March 2021) A failure to correctly name the developer…
Covid-19 BI Update: The Curious Case of the Missing Declarations, and litigation round up.
24 June 2021
It is now over five months since the Supreme Court handed down its largely policyholder-friendly judgment in the FCA…
Fenchurch Law joins City law firms in commitment to levelling up on social mobility in the profession
16 June 2021
A group of trailblazing City law firms including Fenchurch Law Ltd have published a pioneering action plan to boost…
Weathering the Hard Market: is your CAR Policy Watertight?
16 June 2021
The increasing prevalence of water damage losses on construction projects, combined with hard market conditions, has…
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly: 100 cases every policyholder needs to know. #14 (The Good & Ugly). Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd v FCA and others
14 June 2021
Welcome to the latest in the series of blogs from Fenchurch Law: 100 cases every policyholder needs to know. An…
All round protection for brokers: how protecting the underwriter can protect your client and protect you!
25 May 2021
ABN Amro Bank N.V. -v- Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc and others [2021] EWHC 442 (Comm) (‘ABN Amro’) Our March…
Fenchurch Law awarded “Gold” for client care experience
19 May 2021
We’re delighted to announce that Fenchurch Law has achieved a ‘gold’ award from the independent Investor in Customers…
‘Deliberate acts’ exclusion disapplied: Supreme Court decision on Public Liability
10 May 2021
The Supreme Court has rejected attempts by an insurer to rely upon an exclusion clause under a public liability policy,…
Waste not, want not: recycling plant’s claim for cover upheld
23 April 2021
Zurich Insurance PLC v Niramax Group Ltd [2021] EWCA Civ 590 (23 April 2021) Finding that the ‘but for’ test is…